Gems nivågivare ULS-200
Vi presenterar ULS-200, en avancerad och hållbar sensor som passar perfekt för vattenbaserade vätskor, olja och kolväten. Den tål extrema temperaturer och tryck och klarar även av beläggningar och restmaterial. Tack vare sin solid-state-teknologi, vilket innebär att sensorn inte har några rörliga delar, blir den mer pålitlig och hållbar. Utan rörliga delar minskar risken för slitage eller mekaniska fel, vilket ger längre livslängd och jämnare prestanda över tid. Sensorn erbjuder också olika tidsfördröjningar för att ge dig större flexibilitet.
ULS-200 är dessutom en mångsidig lösning för OEM-applikationer. Den är kompakt, tålig och robust nog för användning i jordbruksmaskiner, byggutrustning, bussar samt inom kraftproduktion och HVAC-system.
Kontakta oss för mer information.
What liquids can the ULS-200 detect?
The ULS-200 can sense aqueous, oil, and hydrocarbon liquids.
I have limited space. Will the ULS-200 work for me?
The ULS-200’s compact design, and less than 3.25” overall length fits in the smallest footprint making it great for mobile applications.
I use float-type, electro-optic, and ultrasonic sensors on my equipment. Which sensors can the ULS-200 replace?
Gems’ ULS-200 encapsulates the best of what existing sensor types offer in a single sensor technology. It was designed to work with a wide variety of media. It eliminates failure caused by moving parts. It works well in high viscous, high pressure, humid, and reflective applications. It does not rely on specific gravity and resists coating and build-up, eliminating many of the limitations and failures inherent to other sensing technologies.
How is the ULS-200 affected by coolant coating the sensor probe?
The PVDF or PBT sensing elements are both designed to resist coating and build-up due to the smooth surface material.
How does the ULS-200 handle sloshing or turbulence?
The ULS-200 can be configured with a time delay on increasing level, decreasing level, or both. The sensor will not trigger as liquid present or as dry condition until after the configured delay has lapsed.
How is the ULS-200 better than my float level switch?
The float type level switches are susceptible to build-up and mechanical failure over time due to having moving parts. The switching is usually done with an internal reed switch. This is also at risk of failure from normal wear and electrical damage. The ULS-200 uses reliable solid state (no moving parts) electronic switching with an open collector.
What is an open collector output?
The open collector is an electronic solid-state switch with no moving parts. It works with DC power and basically toggles the current flow from the output signal wire to ground. It has a base, a collector, and an emitter. The sensor signal is always the base leg, and current is either allowed or blocked from collector to emitter with the presence of liquid (depending on the configuration).
Can the ULS-200 trigger a signal in either wet or dry condition?
The ULS-200 can be configured in the factory to signal when the sensor element is wet or dry with optional time delays and either a sinking or sourcing circuit.
How do I choose between sinking or sourcing?
It all depends on how you wish to wire the sensing circuit. In a sinking configuration, current passes through the load first, through the output switch of the sensor second and lastly to ground. It is a transistor logic output that switches the DC ground, or negative, leg of the circuit. In a sourcing configuration, the load must be connected between the sensor output and the DC ground. With a sourcing sensor, your input voltage powers the load. It is a transistor logic output that switches the DC positive voltage. A sensor with a sourcing output switches the positive leg of the circuit.
Is the ULS-200 suitable for outdoor use?
With rugged stainless steel construction or durable light-weight brass body, a PVDF or PBT sensing element, IP6K9K rating (direct-spray, wash-down), and wide temperature range, the ULS-200 was designed to withstand the harshest outdoor environments.